地質調査所月報 Vol.41 No.11 (1990)
タイトル | 著者 | |
海外地質・鉱物資源特号(Ⅳ)の発刊に際して | 藤井敬三 | 41-11_01.pdf (129KB) |
Niobium mineralization of Catalao I carbonatite complex, Goias, Brazil | Hideo HIRANO, Masaharu KAMITANI, Takeo SATO and Sadahisa SUDO (577-594) | 41-11_02.pdf (10,569KB) |
Araxa carbonatite deposit and its lateritization | Masaharu KAMITANI and Hideo HIRANO (595-604) | 41-11_03.pdf (1,269KB) |
Jacupiranga carbonatites in Sao Paulo State, Brazil -Their mode of occurrence- | Hideo HIRANO, Masaharu KAMITANI and Elias C. DAITX (605-610) | 41-11_04.pdf (9,901KB) |
Carbon and oxygen isotopic composition of the carbonates from the Jacupiranga and Catalao I carbonatite complexes, Brazil | Toshiro MORIKIYO, Hideo HIRANO and Yukihiro MATSUHISA (619-626) | 41-11_05.pdf (1,308KB) |
Determination of Nb and Ta in weathering soils from Brazilian carbonatite complexes | Tadashi FUJINUKI (627-629) | 41-11_06.pdf (259KB) |
Important carbonatite-alkaline/alkaline complexes and related mineral resources in the world | Masaharu KAMITANI and Hideo HIRANO (631-640) | 41-11_07.pdf (2,655KB) |