2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016


  1. Evidence of extraordinary tsunamis around the Hashigui-iwa dacite intrusion, south of the Kii Peninsula, Japan

    Evidence of extraordinary tsunamis around the Hashigui-iwa dacite intrusion, south of the Kii Peninsula, Japan
    -Based on the distribution of large boulders, tsunamis larger than that caused by the 1707 Hoei earthquake along the Nankai Trough have been inferred.

    [posted on November 17, 2022]

  2. Graphical abstract of the study

    Public acceptance of the final disposal of soil removed from Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident -The importance of procedural and distributive fairness is evident-

    [posted on October 13, 2022]

  3. Publication of the geological map of Nikko-Shirane and Mitsudake volcanoes Holocene eruption history and craters are clarified

    Publication of the geological map of Nikko-Shirane and Mitsudake volcanoes Holocene eruption history and craters are clarified

    [posted on October 13, 2022]

  4. Volcanic ash database for monitoring and predicting eruption transitions

    Volcanic ash database for monitoring and predicting eruption transitions

    [posted on July 29, 2022]

  5. Stress map of Japan available online - For assessment of future inland earthquakes and understanding of seismotectonics -

    Stress map of Japan available online
    - For assessment of future inland earthquakes and understanding of seismotectonics -

    [posted on July 20, 2022]

  6. Visualization of “soft mud” beneath the Tama River Lowland- Clarification of relationship between subsurface geology and past earthquake and subsidence disasters -

    Visualization of “soft mud” beneath the Tama River Lowland
    - Clarification of relationship between subsurface geology and past earthquake and subsidence disasters -

    [posted on July 20, 2022]

  7. Fluorescence micrographs of variety of methanogenic microorganisms living in the marine sediments of the eastern Nankai Trough

    Characterization of Methanogenic Microorganisms Living in Deep Subseafloor Sediments of the Nankai Trough
    -A Clue to Better Understand the Process of Methane Hydrate (MH) Formation-

    [posted on March 4, 2022]

  8. The flourishing automobile industry in the Toyota area is geologically reasonable-Publication of a 1:50,000 geological map of the Toyota District

    The flourishing automobile industry in the Toyota area is geologically reasonable
    -Publication of a 1:50,000 geological map of the Toyota District-

    [posted on February 18, 2022]

  9. Publication of the distribution maps of large

    Publication of the distribution maps of large -volume ignimbrites in Japan – geological data show the impact of large-scale eruptions

    [posted on February 3, 2022]