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[posted on December 28, 2018]
Nishinoshima eruptions show the formation of continents
(Joint research with JAMSTEC and University of Canterbury)[posted on December 28, 2018]
GSJ International Training Course on Practical Geological Survey Techniques
Application for the Training Course 2019 is now open.
[posted on December 27, 2018]
[posted on December 26, 2018]
[posted on December 25, 2018]
[posted on November 16, 2018]
[posted on November 7, 2018]
[posted on October 24, 2018]
Volcanic history of Hachijojima Volcano revealed -Geological map of Hachijojima Volcano-
[posted on October 15, 2018]
[posted on October 12, 2018]
Investigating Mt. Fuji Eruption History with Lake-Floor Sediments -Undetected eruptions preserved in Lake Motosu-
(Joint research with Akita University, Ghent University, The University of Tokyo)[posted on October 12, 2018]
Using artificial intelligence to understand volcanic eruptions from tiny ash
(Joint research with Tokyo Institute of Technology and The Institute of Statistical Mathematics)[posted on October 2, 2018]
[posted on August 3, 2018]
GSJ and the Department of Mineral Resources (DMR), Kingdom of Thailand have signed the MOU on 6 July 2018.
[posted on July 31, 2018]
[posted on May 25, 2018]
[posted on April 24, 2018]
GSJ and the Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (KIGAM) have signed the MOU on 26 February 2018.
[posted on March 26, 2018]
[posted on March 23, 2018]
The southern Ryukyu Islands have been repeatedly hit by gigantic tsunamis-the study proves
[posted on January 31, 2018]
Deciphering the history of human-induced ocean acidification recorded in coral reefs
[posted on January 31, 2018]
[posted on January 11, 2018]