Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Japan Vol.27 No.4 (1976)

Table of Contents

The Determination of Chlorine and Sulfur in Silicate Rocks by X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry Shigeru TERASHIMA (185-194) 27-04_01.pdf(930KB)
X-rey Fluorescence Analysis of Major Elements in Rocks and MineralsPart 1. Preparation of glass disc samples Teiko OHMORI and Ei OHMORI (195-211) 27-04_02.pdf(9,578KB)
Studies on X-ray Fluorescence Analysis Using a Solid State Detector
1 Characteristics of energy spectral patterns under various resolutions
Kokichi TANJI and Hiroshi KANAYA (213-222) 27-04_03.pdf(8,101KB)
14C-Age of a Sediment in Aso Volcano – 14C-Ages of the Quaternary Rocks Associated with the Geothermal Activity in Japan II – Ryohei OTA, Masaharu KAMITANI and Yasukichi UEKI (223-224) 27-04_04.pdf(313KB)
[ Summary ]
A Study on Distribution of Bottom Sediments and Environment of Recent Sedimentation in Obama Bay, Fukui Prefecture
Ichiyo ISOBE (225-230) 27-04_05.pdf(651KB)
[ Notes ] (231-236) 27-04_06.pdf(810KB)
[ Notes ]
Information of new arrival foreign documents
(237-244) 27-04_07.pdf(670KB)