Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Japan Vol.41 No.2 (1990)

Table of Contents

Origin of sand and its distribution pattern in the Seto Inland Sea, Southwest Japan Yoshio INOUCHI (49-86) 41-02_01.pdf(8,238KB)
The geology of the Shintomi well and granitic basement in the Miyazaki Neogene and Quaternary basin in Kyushu Yasumoto SUZUKI, Taisei SATO, Nobuyuki KANEKO, Kunio KAGEYAMA and Kiyotsura YAZAKI (87-92) 41-02_02.pdf(2,957KB)
Inversion temperatures of quartz from the Osuzuyama acid rocks, Miyazaki Prefecture, Southwest Japan Toshimitsu IWAYA (93-97) 41-02_03.pdf(5,697KB)