Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Japan Vol.40 No.6 (1989)

Table of Contents

Preliminary investigation of resistivity structure across the Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line in the upper part of the Fuji River, Central Japan Yasuo OGAWA and Shinichi TAKAKURA (277-284) 40-06_01.pdf(742KB)
Volcanic ash layers of the Tokai Group in the Kameyama area, Mie Prefecture, Central Japan Shusaku YOSHIKAWA and Fumio YOSHIDA (285-298) 40-06_02.pdf(2,182KB)
Mode of occurrence and genetic processes of the Iriki kaolin deposit, southern Kyushu Noriyuki FUJII, Katsuhiro TSUKIMURA and James M. JULIO (299-322) 40-06_03.pdf(7,107KB)
Field evidence for the northern extension of the Tanakura Shear Zone – Pre-Neogene mylonites in the south-western part of Yonezawa City, Northeast Japan Takahiro YAMAMOTO and Yukio YANAGISAWA (323-329) 40-06_04.pdf(2,415KB)