Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Japan Vol.35 No.3 (1984)

Table of Contents

Hydrogeology of the Akka Limestone area, Iwate Prefecture – the northern part of the Iwaizumi Limestone region – Kazuo KISHI, Takemasa ISHII and Shigeru NAGAI (99-117) 35-03_01.pdf(1,732KB)
On the mineralogical character of the roofing-tile clays in Nara, Wakayama and Fukui PrefecturesPart 2 Wakayama Prefecture Ryoji KOMURA (119-125) 35-03_02.pdf(649KB)
Copper lead, zinc, arsenic and sulfur of the Japanese granitoids (2)
Inner zone of Southwest Japan
Shigeru TERASHIMA and Shunso ISHIHARA (127-145) 35-03_03.pdf(1,792KB)