Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Japan Vol.31 No.6 (1980)

Table of Contents

Relationship between the distributions of the Quaternary volcanoes and the rate of heat discharge by hot water in Japan Kiyoshi SUMI (255-266) 31-06_01.pdf(1,197KB)
Errors in K-Ar age determination Shigeru UCHIUMI and Ken SHIBATA (267-273) 31-06_02.pdf(1,108KB)
Determination of monosaccharides in submarine sediments using a full automatic amino-acid analyzer Minako TERASHIMA (275-284) 31-06_03.pdf(1,074KB)
[ Translation ]
Separation of mineral grains by high frequency dielectric method
Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources, Academy of Geological Science
translator : Fumio KISHIMOTO(293-299)
[ Notes ]
Information of new arrival foreign documents
(293-299) 31-06_05.pdf(714KB)
Abstracts for Geological Survey Seminar, No. 141 (301-306) 31-06_06.pdf(756KB)