Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Japan Vol.29 No.2 (1978)

Table of Contents

Stolzite-bearing Tungsten Deposits of the Hidaka mine, Yamaguchi Prefecture, Southwest Japan Sadao HIGASHIMOTO (75-84) 29-02_01.pdf(2,040KB)
The Diversity of a Dike Swarm in the Vicinity of Shirotori-cho, Kagawa Prefecture Osamu UJIKE (85-100) 29-02_02.pdf(6,770KB)
Studies of Nuclear Well Logging for Evaluation of Aquifer Keiichi KODAI (101-126) 29-02_03.pdf(2,803KB)
New Knowledge on Miocene Floras in the Northern Part of Kinki District, Central Japan Toru ONOE (127-132) 29-02_04.pdf(566KB)
[ Short article ]
On the Holocene Marine Terraces near Omaezaki, Shizuoka Pref., Central Japan
Toru SAKAMOTO, Haruo YAMAZAKI, Ichiyo ISOBE, Kichisuke ITO and Susumu GOTO (133-135) 29-02_05.pdf(663KB)
[ Notes ]
Information of new arrival foreign documents
(137-144) 29-02_06.pdf(755KB)