Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Japan Vol.42 No.8 (1991)

Table of Contents

Radar image texture and rock facies in the northern Kyushu, Japan Minoru URAI and Isao SATO (377-385) 42-08_01.pdf(1,988KB)
Vertical variation and chemical characteristics of elements in bottom sediments from the dredged hollows of Lake Biwa and Lake Kasumigaura, Japan Shigeru TERASHIMA, Yoshio INOUCHI, Yoshiki SAITO, Yuichiro MIYATA, Hajime KATAYAMA and Minako TERASHIMA (387-407) 42-08_02.pdf(2,177KB)
Formation and erosion of a small andesitic volcano, Kousha Volcano, Nagano, Japan Shigeko TOGASHI and Sadayuki AKAHANE (409-420) 42-08_03.pdf(1,771KB)
Abstracts for Geological Survey Seminar, No. 206(421-426) 42-08_04.pdf(841KB)
Abstracts for Geological survey Seminar, No. 207
Neotectonics on the Japanese Island(427-438)