Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Japan Vol.42 No.3 (1991)

Table of Contents

K-Ar ages of granitoids in central Sumatra, Indonesia Kohei SATO (111-123) 42-03_01.pdf(2,928KB)
Paleo-mean sea level and its 14C age of Holocene high sea stand on Iwase River, Boso Peninsula Hajime KAYANNE, Yoshiki SAITO, Kaoru KASHIMA and Kazuo OSHIMA (125-129) 42-03_02.pdf(552KB)
Late Cenozoic dike swarms and tectonic stress field in Japan Takahiro YAMAMOTO (131-148) 42-03_03.pdf(2,062KB)
Neutron activation analyses of quartz-calcite veins in the Kushikino-Kammuridake fossil hydrothermal system Yuichi MORISHITA, Yuji SASAKI and Kan KIMURA (149-166) 42-03_04.pdf(1,770KB)