GSJ Openfile Report, no. 400 Japanese

Library Software for Geophysical Data Processing and Representation

Tadashi Nakatsuka (Institute of Geoscience, GSJ/AIST)

The author has been engaged in the research on aeromagnetic survey. During the course of his work, various softwares were developed, and some of them are so versatile that its publication will be beneficial to another people. Here the library software consisting of many subprograms is reported.

There are 13 subprograms in the library as follows:

All subprograms are coded in C language, and the filenames of sources have .c (specifier) extensions. There are also documentations (manual) how to use the library subprograms. The .euc (specifier) extension is for Japanese documentation, while the trailing E + .txt (specifier) extension is for English.
1. manps.euc    2. manxy.euc    3. cman.euc   
4. manpsE.txt    5. manxyE.txt    6. cmanE.txt   
Those documentation (manual) can be printed out by using prtps program under prog directory, where some utility programs are also stored as an appendix.
Here all files under the no0400 directory below are assumed to be stored under the actual directory path of /home/SHARE.

        <<< Tree structure of files included in this report >>>
no0400/        (Directory for this Openfile Report no.400)
 +-- indexJ.html   Web page (Japanese document)
 +-- index.html    This Web page (English abstract)
 +-- of0400.doc    MS Word document (in Japanese)
 +-- lib.tar.gz    Gzipped Tar Archive of the directory 'lib'
 |                  (Equivalent to whole 'lib' directory)
 +-- prog.tar.gz   Gzipped Tar Archive of the directory 'prog'
 |                  (Equivalent to whole 'prog' directory)
 +-- shore.tar.gz  Gzipped Tar Archive of the directory 'data/shore'
 |                  (Equivalent to whole 'data/shore' directory)
 +-- lib/               (Directory containing Library sources)
 |    +-- @mkall        Script to make Library Archive file 'libgm.a'
 |    +-- axis.c        Source of subprogram AXIS
 |    +-- calma.c       Source of subprogram CALMA
 |    +-- cont.c        Source of subprogram CONT
 |    +-- igrf.c        Source of subprogram IGRF
 |    +-- lwkdir.c      Source of subprogram LWKDIR
 |    +-- pspaint.c     Source of subprogram PSPAINT
 |    +-- psplot.c      Source of subprogram PSPLOT
 |    +-- ptext.c       Source of subprogram PTEXT
 |    +-- rand.c        Source of subprogram RAND
 |    +-- sml.c         Source of subprogram SML
 |    +-- wshore.c      Source of subprogram WSHORE
 |    +-- xw84t.c       Source of subprogram XW84T
 |    +-- xyconv.c      Source of subprogram XYCONV
 |    +-- man/               (Directory containing Manual pages)
 |         +-- @mkall        Script to make Manual Page PS files
 |         +--,,,
 |         |,,   PS files for manual pages
 |         +-- cman.euc      C language prototype and summary (in Japanese)
 |         +-- cmanE.txt     C language prototype and summary (in English)
 |         +-- manps.euc     Manual for PostScript Graphics (in Japanese)
 |         +-- manps08.euc    8th page of "manps.euc"
 |         +-- manps10.euc    10th page of "manps.euc"
 |         +-- manpsE.txt    Manual for PostScript Graphics (in English)
 |         +-- manpsE6.txt    6th page of "manpsE.txt"
 |         +-- manpsE8.txt    8th page of "manpsE.txt"
 |         +-- manxy.euc     Manual for Coord.Conv. etc. (in Japanese)
 |         +-- manxyE.txt    Manual for Coord.Conv. etc. (in English)
 |         +-- samples.f     FORTRAN program to generate Manual Page PS files
 +-- prog/              (Directory containing Misceraneous program)
 |    +-- @mkall        Script to make all Executable files
 |    +-- Memo.euc      Description of Programs in this directory (in Japanese)
 |    +-- MemoE.txt     Description of Programs in this directory (in English)
 |    +-- cats.c        Source of program 'cats'
 |    +-- cat4.c        Source of program 'cat4'
 |    +-- cat8.c        Source of program 'cat8'
 |    +-- euc.c         Source of program 'euc'
 |    +-- sj.c          Source of program 'sj'
 |    +-- jis.c         Source of program 'jis'
 |    +-- jisx.c        Source of program 'jisx'
 |    +-- cview.c       Source of program 'cview'
 |    +-- uncview.c     Source of program 'uncview'
 |    +-- hexdump.c     Source of program 'hexdump'
 |    +-- prtps.c       Source of program 'prtps'
 |    +-- psdivide.c    Source of program 'psdivide'
 |    +-- igrfcal.c     Source of program 'igrfcal'
 |    +-- utmcal.c      Source of program 'utmcal'
 |    +-- xycal.c       Source of program 'xycal'
 |    +-- cxtw84.c      Source of program 'cxtw84'
 |    +-- cxw84t.c      Source of program 'cxw84t'
 +-- data/         (Directory containing various Data)
      +-- shore/        (Directory containing Coastline data etc.)
           +-- SH20/, SH21/, SH22/, SH23/, SH24/,   Directories containing
           |    SH25/, SH26/, SH27/, SH28/, SH29/,   coastlines, rivers/lakes,
           |    SH30/, SH31/, SH32/, SH33/, SH34/,   pref.boundary data (fine)
           |    SH35/, SH36/, SH37/, SH38/, SH39/,   in Old-TOKYO coordinates
           |    SH40/, SH41/, SH42/, SH43/, SH44/,   for each Latitude zone.
           |    SH45/, SH46/, SH47/, SH48/, SH49/
           +-- SW20/, SW21/, SW22/, SW23/, SW24/,   Directories containing
           |    SW25/, SW26/, SW27/, SW28/, SW29/,   coastlines, rivers/lakes,
           |    SW30/, SW31/, SW32/, SW33/, SW34/,   pref.boundary data (fine)
           |    SW35/, SW36/, SW37/, SW38/, SW39/,   in WGS-84 coordinates
           |    SW40/, SW41/, SW42/, SW43/, SW44/,   for each Latitude zone.
           |    SW45/, SW46/, SW47/, SW48/, SW49/
           +-- wcoast.jpn                  Coastlines data (coarse) of Japan
           +-- wriver.jpn                  Rivers/lakes data (coarse) of Japan
           +-- world.cst                   Coastline data of the world