Misceraneous Utility Program (/home/SHARE/prog) (Program) (Function) cats Read specified file (or STDIN file if omitted), and write it to STDERR output without any conversion. cat4 Read specified file (or STDIN file if omitted), and write it to STDOUT output with the conversion of TAB (HT) code into 1-4 space(s) to match 4-cols TAB stop. cat8 Read specified file (or STDIN file if omitted), and write it to STDOUT output with the conversion of TAB (HT) code into 1-8 space(s) to match 8-cols TAB stop. euc Read specified file (or STDIN file if omitted), and write it to STDOUT output with the code conversion into EUC. Input file must be in Shift-JIS or JIS7 code. Also CR (0x0d) is removed if followed by LF (0x0a). sj Read specified file (or STDIN file if omitted), and write it to STDOUT output with the code conversion into Shift-JIS. Input file must be in EUC or JIS7 code. Before LF (0x0a) not preceded by CR, CR (0x0d) is inserted. jis Read specified file (or STDIN file if omitted), and write it to STDOUT output with the code conversion into JIS7. Input file must be in Shift-JIS code. jisx Read specified file (or STDIN file if omitted), and write it to STDOUT output with the code conversion into JIS7. Input file must be in EUC code. cview Read specified file (or STDIN file if omitted), and write it to STDOUT output with the 'visualize' conversion of control codes, as follows: 0x00-0x1f ==> 0x40-0x5f preceded by ^ , 0x80-0x9e ==> 0x60-0x7e preceded by ^ , 0xa1-0xfe ==> 0x21-0x7e preceded by ! , 0x7f ==> ^? , 0x9f ==> ^# , 0xa0 ==> ^$ , 0xff ==> ^/ , ^ (0x5e) ==> \^ , ! (0x21) ==> \! , \ (0x5c) ==> \\ uncview Read specified file (or STDIN file if omitted), and write it to STDOUT output with the inverse conversion of 'cview'. hexdump Read specified file (or STDIN file if omitted), and write it to STDOUT output with the hexadecimal dump. prtps Read specified file, and generate PostScript print file. prtps [-options] [infile [outfile]] If outfile is omitted, output to STDOUT, and if infile is also omitted, read from STDIN. As options, line spacing, page-numbering, TAB spacing, bold face, etc. can be specified. psdivide Read specified PostScript file generated by 'psplot', and output another PostScript file to STDOUT so as to use smaller size sheets divided into pieces. psdivide infile [ > outfile ] The sheet-size to use is selectable during execution. igrfcal Calculate IGRF model components. First select IGRF model and time epoch, then 5 components (F, H, Z, I, D) are calculated each time Latitude, Longitude and Altitude are given. utmcal Calculate UTM coordinates. First select ellipsoid and central meridian, then Universal Transverse Mercator X and Y coordinates are calculated each time Latitude and Longitude are given. xycal Calculate JTM coordinates. First select ellipsoid and coordinate number, then Japanese Transverse Mercator X and Y coordinates are calculated each time Latitude and Longitude are given. cxtw84 Calculate WGS-84 coordinates. WGS-84 Latitude/Longitude/Altitude are calculated each time Latitude/Longitude/Altitude on Old-TOKYO coordinates are given. cxw84t Calculate Old-TOKYO coordinates. Latitude/Longitude/Altitude on Old-TOKYO coordinates are calculated each time WGS-84 Latitude/Longitude/Altitude are given.