Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Japan Vol.49 No.1 (1998)

Cover photograh | Table of Contents |

Cover photograh


Azurite and malachite (Specimen no.GSJ M32857)

Collected from the oxidized zone of the Kinkama Mo-Cu Mine, Ryugeji, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City, Northern Kyushu, Japan. This ore deposit was formed as hydrothermal vein of molybdenite and chalcopyrite, related to the Paleogene granites.

(Photoed by Michiaki BUNNO)

Table of Contents

Active structures and their relation to earthquakes along the eastern margin of the Japan Sea Yukinobu OKAMURA, Shin-ichi KURAMOTO and Mikio SATOH (1-18) 49-01_01.pdf(4,517KB)
K-Ar ages of white micas from pelitic schists of the Bayanhongor area, west Mongolia Chikao KURIMOTO, Floragiin TUNGALAG, Lkhamsuren BAYARMANDAL and Niidengiin ICHINNOROV (19-23) 49-01_02.pdf(436KB)
The granitoid series in Bayankhongor area, central Mongolia Yuhei TAKAHASHI, Sambuu OYUNGEREL, Kazuki NAITO and Baljinnyamiin DELGERTSOGT (25-32) 49-01_03.pdf(1,173KB)
[ Notes ]
A practical guide to writing geological reports in English
Morimasa YOSHII (33-53) 49-01_04.pdf(1,324KB)