#include #include #include #define RAD (180.*60./3.14159265359) #define HPI (3.14159265359/2.) #define CR (1.e-9) /************************************************************************/ /* <<< Coordinate (Projection) Number (NC) >>> Ver.2018 */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* For World Geodetic Datum in reference to GWS80 ellipsoid */ /* 0 Japanese Transverse Mercator Proj. (XY) [0.9999] */ /* 1-60 Universal Transverse Mercator Proj. (UTM) Zone 1-60 [0.9996] */ /* 61 Universal Polar Stereographic Proj. (UPS) North-Pole [0.994] */ /* 62 Universal Polar Stereographic Proj. (UPS) South-Pole [0.994] */ /* 65 same as UTM but non-standard Central Meridian [0.9996] */ /* 70 Mercator Projection (Regular) */ /* 71 Lambert Conformal Conic Proj. (1 St.Parallel) */ /* 72 Lambert Conformal Conic Proj. (2 St.Parallels) */ /* 100 Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area Projection (R = Same surf.area) */ /* 109 Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area Projection (R = Semi major axis) */ /* 199 Latitude/Longitude in minutes are regarded as distance (in km) */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* For Old-TOKYO Geodetic Datum in reference to Bessel's ellipsoid */ /* + 800 (Same as above plus 800) */ /************************************************************************/ /******** Bessel's ellipsoid ********/ #define AB (6377.397155) #define EB (0.0816968312) #define EEB (0.006674372227) #define E1B (0.001674184800) /******** GRS80 ellipsoid ***********/ #define AW (6378.137) #define EW (0.081819191) #define EEW (0.0066943800) #define E1W (0.0016792204) /************************************/ /* Ac : AB / AW : (Earth's equatorial radius) */ /* Ec : EB / EW : (eccentricity) ; EEc = Ec*Ec */ /* E1c : E1B / E1W : ((1.-sqrt(1.-EEc)) / (1.+sqrt(1.-EEc))) */ /* SRc : SRB / SRW : (radius of sphere with same surface area) */ /************************************************************************/ #define E4B (EEB*EEB) #define E6B (EEB*EEB*EEB) #define E8B (EEB*EEB*EEB*EEB) #define FRB (1. - EEB/6. - E4B*(17./360.) - E6B*(187./9072.)) #define SRB (AB*FRB) #define EHB (EB/2.) #define A2B (AB*1.414213562373) #define SR2B (SRB*1.414213562373) #define C0B (AB*(1. -EEB/4. -E4B*(3./64.) -E6B*(5./256.) -E8B*(175./16384.))) #define C1B (AB*(EEB*(3./4.)+E4B*(27./64.)+E6B*(85./256.)+E8B*(4655./16384.))) #define C2B (AB*(E4B*(15./32.) + E6B*(275./384.) + E8B*(22225./24576.))) #define C3B (AB*(E6B*(35./96.) + E8B*(5635./6144.))) #define F1B (E1B*3. - E1B*E1B*(21./4.) + E1B*E1B*E1B*(31./4.)) #define F2B (E1B*E1B*(21./2.) - E1B*E1B*E1B*(151./3.)) #define F3B (E1B*E1B*E1B*(151./3.)) #define E4W (EEW*EEW) #define E6W (EEW*EEW*EEW) #define E8W (EEW*EEW*EEW*EEW) #define FRW (1. - EEW/6. - E4W*(17./360.) - E6W*(187./9072.)) #define SRW (AW*FRW) #define EHW (EW/2.) #define A2W (AW*1.414213562373) #define SR2W (SRW*1.414213562373) #define C0W (AW*(1. -EEW/4. -E4W*(3./64.) -E6W*(5./256.) -E8W*(175./16384.))) #define C1W (AW*(EEW*(3./4.)+E4W*(27./64.)+E6W*(85./256.)+E8W*(4655./16384.))) #define C2W (AW*(E4W*(15./32.) + E6W*(275./384.) + E8W*(22225./24576.))) #define C3W (AW*(E6W*(35./96.) + E8W*(5635./6144.))) #define F1W (E1W*3. - E1W*E1W*(21./4.) + E1W*E1W*E1W*(31./4.)) #define F2W (E1W*E1W*(21./2.) - E1W*E1W*E1W*(151./3.)) #define F3W (E1W*E1W*E1W*(151./3.)) static int nc=0, kw=1; static double glon, gx, ct, st; static double Ac, Ec, EHc, EEc, C0c, C1c, C2c, C3c, F1c, F2c, F3c, SR2c, FRc; static void tgskrg(double f, double d, double *pp, double *qq) { double cf, sf, ccf, t, p, q, g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, dd; cf = cos(f); sf = sin(f); ccf = cf*cf; t = (sf/cf)*(sf/cf); p = EEc*ccf/(1.-EEc); q = Ac / sqrt(1. - EEc*sf*sf); g1 = q*cf; g2 = g1*sf/2.; g3 = g1*ccf*(1.-t+p)/6.; g4 = g2*ccf*(5.-t)/12.; g5 = g1*ccf*ccf*(5.- 18.*t + t*t) / 120.; p = ((C2c - C3c*ccf)*ccf - C1c)*sf*cf + C0c*f; dd = d; q = g1*dd; dd *= d; p += g2*dd; dd *= d; q += g3*dd; dd *= d; p += g4*dd; dd *= d; q += g5*dd; *pp = p; *qq = q; } static void rgskrg(double p, double q, double *ff, double *dd) { double f, cf, sf, ccf, t, u, v, ec, tt, qq; f = p/C0c; cf = cos(f); sf = sin(f); ccf = cf*cf; f = ((F3c*ccf + F2c)*ccf + F1c)*sf*cf + f; cf = cos(f); sf = sin(f); t = sf/cf; u = 1. - EEc*sf*sf; v = t * u/(1.-EEc); ec = EEc*cf*cf/(1.-EEc); tt = t*t; q /= Ac/sqrt(u); qq = q*q; *ff = f - v*qq*(0.5 - qq*(5.+tt*3.)/24.); *dd = q*(1. - qq*((1.+tt+tt+ec) - qq*(5.+tt*28.+tt*tt*24.)/20.)/6.)/cf; } static void scvjtm(double gi, double gk) { double f, cf, sf, ccf; if (kw == 1) { Ac = AW; EEc = EEW; C0c = C0W; C1c = C1W; C2c = C2W; C3c = C3W; F1c = F1W; F2c = F2W; F3c = F3W; } else { Ac = AB; EEc = EEB; C0c = C0B; C1c = C1B; C2c = C2B; C3c = C3B; F1c = F1B; F2c = F2B; F3c = F3B; } f = gi/RAD; cf = cos(f); sf = sin(f); ccf = cf*cf; gx = ((C2c - C3c*ccf)*ccf - C1c)*sf*cf + C0c*f; glon = gk; } static void xcvjtm(double fi, double fk, double *x, double *y) { double p, q; tgskrg(fi/RAD, (fk-glon)/RAD, &p, &q); *x = (p-gx)*0.9999; *y = q*0.9999; } static void zcvjtm(double x, double y, double *fi, double *fk) { double flat, dlon; rgskrg(x/0.9999+gx, y/0.9999, &flat, &dlon); *fi = flat*RAD; *fk = dlon*RAD+glon; } static void scvutm(double gk) { if (kw == 1) { Ac = AW; EEc = EEW; C0c = C0W; C1c = C1W; C2c = C2W; C3c = C3W; F1c = F1W; F2c = F2W; F3c = F3W; } else { Ac = AB; EEc = EEB; C0c = C0B; C1c = C1B; C2c = C2B; C3c = C3B; F1c = F1B; F2c = F2B; F3c = F3B; } glon = gk; } static void xcvutm(double fi, double fk, double *x, double *y) { double p, q; tgskrg(fi/RAD, (fk-glon)/RAD, &p, &q); *x = p*0.9996; *y = q*0.9996 + 500.; } static void zcvutm(double x, double y, double *fi, double *fk) { double flat, dlon; rgskrg(x/0.9996, (y-500.)/0.9996, &flat, &dlon); *fi = flat*RAD; *fk = dlon*RAD+glon; } static void scvups(int ns) { if (kw == 1) { Ac = AW; Ec = EW; EHc = EHW; } else { Ac = AB; Ec = EB; EHc = EHB; } ct = Ac*1.988/sqrt(pow((1.+Ec),(1.+Ec))*pow((1.-Ec),(1.-Ec))); st = (double)(3 - ns*2); } static void xcvups(double fi, double fk, double *x, double *y) { double cf, sf, f, es, t; cf = cos(fk/RAD); sf = sin(fk/RAD); f = fi/RAD; if (st > 0.) cf = -cf; else f = -f; es = Ec*sin(f); t = ct * tan((HPI-f)/2.) * pow(((1.+es)/(1.-es)),EHc); *x = t*cf + 2000.; *y = t*sf + 2000.; } static void zcvups(double x, double y, double *fi, double *fk) { double t0, t1, t2, es; x = x-2000.; y = y-2000.; t0 = sqrt(x*x+y*y)/ct; t2 = HPI - atan(t0)*2.; do{ t1 = t2; es = Ec*sin(t1); t2 = HPI - atan(t0*pow(((1.-es)/(1.+es)),EHc))*2.; } while (abs(t2-t1) > CR); if (st > 0.) { *fi = t2*RAD; *fk = atan2(y,-x)*RAD; } else { *fi = -t2*RAD; *fk = atan2(y,x)*RAD; } } static void smercr(double gi, double gk) { double g, cg, es, xp; if (kw == 1) { Ac = AW; Ec = EW; EHc = EHW; } else { Ac = AB; Ec = EB; EHc = EHB; } g = gi/RAD; cg = cos(g); es = Ec*sin(g); xp = (HPI+g)/2.; st = Ac*cg / sqrt(1.-es*es); gx = log(tan(xp) * pow(((1.-es)/(1.+es)),EHc)); glon = gk; } static void xmercr(double fi, double fk, double *x, double *y) { double f, es, xp, p; f = fi/RAD; es = Ec*sin(f); xp = (HPI+f)/2.; p = log(tan(xp) * pow(((1.-es)/(1.+es)),EHc)); *x = (p-gx) * st; *y = (fk-glon)/RAD * st; } static void zmercr(double x, double y, double *fi, double *fk) { double t0, t1, t2, es; t0 = exp(x/st+gx); t2 = atan(t0)*2. - HPI; do{ t1 = t2; es = Ec*sin(t1); t2 = atan(t0*pow(((1.+es)/(1.-es)),EHc))*2. - HPI; } while (abs(t2-t1) > CR); *fi = t2*RAD; *fk = (y/st)*RAD + glon; } static void slccon(double gi, double gk, double sp1, double sp2) { double p0, es0, t0, p1, es1, c1, t1, p2, es2, c2, t2; if (kw == 1) { Ac = AW; Ec = EW; EHc = EHW; } else { Ac = AB; Ec = EB; EHc = EHB; } p0 = gi/RAD; es0 = Ec*sin(p0); t0 = tan((HPI-p0)/2.)*pow(((1.+es0)/(1.-es0)),EHc); p1 = sp1/RAD; es1 = Ec*sin(p1); c1 = cos(p1)/sqrt(1.-es1*es1); t1 = tan((HPI-p1)/2.)*pow(((1.+es1)/(1.-es1)),EHc); if (sp1 == sp2) st = sin(sp1/RAD); else { p2 = sp2/RAD; es2 = Ec*sin(p2); c2 = cos(p2)/sqrt(1.-es2*es2); t2 = tan((HPI-p2)/2.)*pow(((1.+es2)/(1.-es2)),EHc); st = log(c1/c2)/log(t1/t2); } ct = (Ac/st)*c1/pow(t1,st); gx = ct*pow(t0,st); glon = gk; } static void xlccon(double fi, double fk, double *x, double *y) { double p, es, t, h, r; p = fi/RAD; es = Ec*sin(p); t = tan((HPI-p)/2.)*pow(((1.+es)/(1.-es)),EHc); h = st*(fk-glon)/RAD; r = ct*pow(t,st); *x = gx - r*cos(h); *y = r*sin(h); } static void zlccon(double x, double y, double *fi, double *fk) { double t0, t1, t2, es; x = gx-x; t0 = pow(sqrt(x*x+y*y)/ct,1./st); t2 = HPI - atan(t0)*2.; do{ t1 = t2; es = Ec*sin(t1); t2 = HPI - atan(t0*pow(((1.-es)/(1.+es)),EHc))*2.; } while (abs(t2-t1) > CR); *fi = t2*RAD; *fk = atan2(y,x)/st*RAD + glon; } static void slazea(double gi, double gk) { if (kw == 1) { SR2c = SR2W; FRc = FRW; } else { SR2c = SR2B; FRc = FRB; } ct = sin(gi/RAD); st = cos(gi/RAD); glon = gk; } static void xlazea(double fi, double fk, double *x, double *y) { double cth, sth, dk, clon, slon, t, s; cth = sin(fi/RAD); sth = cos(fi/RAD); dk = fk-glon; clon = cos(dk/RAD); slon = sin(dk/RAD); t = 1. + ct*cth + st*sth*clon; s = SR2c / sqrt(t); *x = s * (st*cth - ct*sth*clon); *y = s * sth*slon; } static void zlazea(double x, double y, double *fi, double *fk) { double ss, s, cz, sz, cth; ss = x*x + y*y; s = sqrt(ss); cz = 1. - ss/(SR2c*SR2c); sz = sqrt(1.-cz*cz); if (ss == 0.) cth = ct; else cth = ct*cz + st*sz*x/s; ss = st*cz*s - ct*sz*x; *fi = asin(cth)*RAD; *fk = atan2(sz*y,ss)*RAD + glon; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ int cvinit(int nca, double gi, double gk, double sp1, double sp2) { int n, m; if (nca < 800) { m = 1; n = nca; } else { m = 0; n = nca-800; } if ((n>0) && (n<=60)) { nc = n; kw = m; scvutm((nc*6-183)*60.); } else if (n == 61) { nc = n; kw = m; scvups(1); } else if (n == 62) { nc = n; kw = m; scvups(2); } else if (n == 65) { nc = n; kw = m; scvutm(gk); } else if (n == 0) { nc = n; kw = m; scvjtm(gi,gk); } else if (n == 70) { nc = n; kw = m; smercr(gi,gk); } else if (n == 71) { nc = n; kw = m; slccon(gi,gk,gi,gi); } else if (n == 72) { nc = n; kw = m; slccon(gi,gk,sp1,sp2); } else if (n == 100) { nc = n; kw = m; slazea(gi,gk); } else if (n == 109) { nc = n; kw = m; slazea(gi,gk); } else if (n == 199) { nc = n; kw = m; gx = gi; glon = gk; } else { fprintf(stderr, "proj. #%d not implemented\n", nca); return(-1); } return(0); } int cviken(double fi, double fk, double *ye, double *xn) { if ((nc>0) &&(nc<=60)) xcvutm(fi,fk,xn,ye); else if (nc == 61) xcvups(fi,fk,xn,ye); else if (nc == 62) xcvups(fi,fk,xn,ye); else if (nc == 65) xcvutm(fi,fk,xn,ye); else if (nc == 0) xcvjtm(fi,fk,xn,ye); else if (nc == 70) xmercr(fi,fk,xn,ye); else if (nc == 71) xlccon(fi,fk,xn,ye); else if (nc == 72) xlccon(fi,fk,xn,ye); else if (nc == 100) xlazea(fi,fk,xn,ye); else if (nc == 109) { xlazea(fi,fk,xn,ye); *ye /= FRc; *xn /= FRc; } else if (nc == 199) { *xn = fi-gx; *ye = fk-glon; } else { fprintf(stderr, "proj. coordinate undefined\n"); return(-1); } return(0); } int cvenik(double ye, double xn, double *fi, double *fk) { if ((nc>0) && (nc<=60)) zcvutm(xn,ye,fi,fk); else if (nc == 61) zcvups(xn,ye,fi,fk); else if (nc == 62) zcvups(xn,ye,fi,fk); else if (nc == 65) zcvutm(xn,ye,fi,fk); else if (nc == 0) zcvjtm(xn,ye,fi,fk); else if (nc == 70) zmercr(xn,ye,fi,fk); else if (nc == 71) zlccon(xn,ye,fi,fk); else if (nc == 72) zlccon(xn,ye,fi,fk); else if (nc == 100) zlazea(xn,ye,fi,fk); else if (nc == 109) zlazea(xn*FRc,ye*FRc,fi,fk); else if (nc == 199) { *fi = xn+gx; *fk = ye+glon; } else { fprintf(stderr, "proj. coordinate undefined\n"); return(-1); } return(0); } /*******************************************/ /* FORTRAN Language Interface Routines */ /*******************************************/ void cvinit_(int *nca, float *gi, float *gk, float *sp1, float *sp2) { int rc; if (((*nca>0) && (*nca<=62)) || ((*nca>800) && (*nca<=862))) rc = cvinit(*nca,0.,0.,0.,0.); else if ((*nca==72) || (*nca==872)) rc = cvinit(*nca,(double)*gi,(double)*gk,(double)*sp1,(double)*sp2); else rc = cvinit(*nca,(double)*gi,(double)*gk,0.,0.); if (rc != 0) exit(1); } void cvdinit_(int *nca, double *gi, double *gk, double *sp1, double *sp2) { int rc; if (((*nca>0) && (*nca<=62)) || ((*nca>800) && (*nca<=862))) rc = cvinit(*nca,0.,0.,0.,0.); else if ((*nca==72) || (*nca==872)) rc = cvinit(*nca,*gi,*gk,*sp1,*sp2); else rc = cvinit(*nca,*gi,*gk,0.,0.); if (rc != 0) exit(1); } void cviken_(float *fi, float *fk, float *ye, float *xn) { double dye, dxn; if (cviken((double)*fi,(double)*fk,&dye,&dxn) != 0) exit(1); *ye = dye; *xn = dxn; } void cvdiken_(double *fi, double *fk, double *ye, double *xn) { if (cviken(*fi,*fk,ye,xn) != 0) exit(1); } void cvenik_(float *ye, float *xn, float *fi, float *fk) { double di, dk; if (cvenik((double)*ye,(double)*xn,&di,&dk) != 0) exit(1); *fi = di; *fk = dk; } void cvdenik_(double *ye, double *xn, double *fi, double *fk) { if (cvenik(*ye,*xn,fi,fk) != 0) exit(1); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ void xyconv_(float *gi, float *gk, float *fi, float *fk, float *x, float *y) { double dx, dy; cvinit(800,(double)*gi,(double)*gk,0.,0.); cviken((double)*fi,(double)*fk,&dy,&dx); *x = dx; *y = dy; } void nxycnv_(float *gi, float *gk, float *fi, float *fk, float *x, float *y) { double dx, dy; cvinit(0,(double)*gi,(double)*gk,0.,0.); cviken((double)*fi,(double)*fk,&dy,&dx); *x = dx; *y = dy; } void utm_(int *nz, float *fi, float *fk, float *x, float *y) { double dx, dy; int n; if (*nz < 800) n = *nz; else n = *nz - 800; if ((n<1) || (n>60)) { fprintf(stderr, "illegal zone (utm) : %d\n", n); exit(1); } cvinit(*nz,0.,0.,0.,0.); cviken((double)*fi,(double)*fk,&dy,&dx); *x = dx; *y = dy; } void ikconv_(float *gi, float *gk, float *x, float *y, float *fi, float *fk) { double di, dk; cvinit(800,(double)*gi,(double)*gk,0.,0.); cvenik((double)*y,(double)*x,&di,&dk); *fi = di; *fk = dk; } void nikcnv_(float *gi, float *gk, float *x, float *y, float *fi, float *fk) { double di, dk; cvinit(0,(double)*gi,(double)*gk,0.,0.); cvenik((double)*y,(double)*x,&di,&dk); *fi = di; *fk = dk; } void utmik_(int *nz, float *x, float *y, float *fi, float *fk) { double di, dk; int n; if (*nz < 800) n = *nz; else n = *nz - 800; if ((n<1) || (n>60)) { fprintf(stderr, "illegal zone (utmik) : %d\n", n); exit(1); } cvinit(*nz,0.,0.,0.,0.); cvenik((double)*y,(double)*x,&di,&dk); *fi = di; *fk = dk; }