Regression Analysis (SML)
sm1opn / sm2opn / sm3opn - Initialize regression analysis
sm1ex / sm2ex / sm3ex - Indicate each data to apply regression analysis
sm1cls / sm2cls / sm3cls - Calculate regression coefficients
sm1rv / sm2rv / sm3rv - Calculate the value(s) of regression formula
sm1opn / sm1ex / sm1cls / sm1rv :
for N dimension linear regression (N <= 8)
sm2opn / sm2ex / sm2cls / sm2rv :
for 2-dimensional N-th degree regression (N <= 8)
sm3opn / sm3ex / sm3cls / sm3rv :
for 3-dimensional N-th degree regression (N <= 5)
[Example of Sequence of Regression Coefficients]
for 5 dimension (t1-t5) linear regression:
c0 + c1*t1 + c2*t2 + c3*t3 + c4*t4 + c5*t5
for 2 dimension (u,v) 4th degree regression:
c0 + c10*u + c11*v + c20*u*u + c21*u*v + c22*v*v
+ c30*u*u*u + c31*u*u*v + c32*u*v*v + c33*v*v*v
+ c40*u*u*u*u + c41*u*u*u*v + c42*u*u*v*v + c43*u*v*v*v + c44*v*v*v*v
for 3 dimension (x,y,z) cubic regression:
c0 + c11*x + c12*y + c13*z
+ c211*x*x + c212*x*y + c213*y*z + c222*y*y + c223*y*z + c233*z*z
+ c3111*x*x*x + c3112*x*x*y + c3113*x*x*z + c3122*x*y*y + c3123*x*y*z
+ c3133*x*z*z + c3222*y*y*y + c3223*y*y*z + c3233*y*z*z + c3333*z*z*z
call sm1opn(nvar, nsrc)
call sm2opn(ndg2, nsrc)
call sm3opn(ndg3, nsrc)
nvar [int] Number of dimension (1 <= nvar <= 8)
ndg2 [int] Number of degree for 2-dimensional regression
(1 <= ndg2 <= 8)
ndg3 [int] Number of degree for 3-dimensional regression
(1 <= ndg3 <= 5)
nsrc [int] Number of variables to apply regression (1 <= nsrc <= 5)
call sm1ex(var, src)
call sm2ex(u, v, src)
call sm3ex(x, y, z, src)
var [float] Array containing independent parameters (nvar elements)
u, v [float] 2 independent parameters of 2-dimensional regression
x, y, z [float] 3 independent parameters of 3-dimensional regression
src [float] Array containing variables to apply regression
(nsrc elements)
call sm1cls(coef, m, n)
call sm2cls(coef, m, n)
call sm3cls(coef, m, n)
coef [float] Array to return regression coefficients
m, n [int] Adjustable size of coef [dimension coef(m,n)]
Usually, m and n are set to the number of regression coefficients
and the number of variables (nsrc).
If m and/or n is less than those numbers, the excess part of
coefficients are not returned. So, m and/or n may be zero or minus.
Even if m and/or n is greater than those numbers, only actual numbers
of coefficients are returned, and further location of the array is not
Number of regression coefficients are:
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
for N dimension linear regression (N=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) ,
3, 6,10,15,21,28,36,45
for 2-dimensional N-th degree regression (N=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) ,
4,10,20,35,56 3-dimensional N-th degree regression (N=1,2,3,4,5) .
call sm1rv(var, sml)
call sm2rv(u, v, sml)
call sm3rv(x, y, z, sml)
var [float] Array defining the independent parameters to calculate
regression formula value(s). (nvar elements)
u, v [float] 2 independent parameters to calculate 2-dimensional
regression formula value(s).
x, y, z [float] 3 independent parameters to calculate 3-dimensional
regression formula value(s).
sml [float] Array to return regression formula value(s) (nsrc elements)