C-----( FORTRAN source program to generate )----- C-----( the illustrations in Manual Pages )----- C external cviken, scale parameter (iwhite = -255, igray = -128, iblack = 0, none = -999) parameter (iblue = 255, iyellow = (255*256 + 255) * 256) parameter (c30=0.866, c20=0.940, c10=0.985, s30=0.5, s10=0.174) character mark*2 dimension f(151,101) dimension p(2,12) c-----( pspaint )----- dimension v(151,101) dimension g(2,2), h(2,2), xm(9), ym(9), pos(2,4), q(3,2) data g / -110., -110., +110., +110./, h / 0., 1., 0., 1./, * xm / 0.0, 0.0, 2.5, 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 0.5, 3.0, 3.0 /, * ym / 0.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 0.0 /, * pos/ 5.,0., 5.,2., 8.,0., 8.,2. /, * q / 0., 1., 2., 1., 2., 0. / do 111 i=1,151 x = float(i-76) a = float(i-86) do 111 j=1,101 y = float(j-51) b = float(j-31) r = sqrt(x*x + y*y) s = sqrt(a*a + b*b) v(i,j) = r*3. - s*2. + 17. if(r.gt.50.) v(i,j) = 999. 111 continue call psopn('pspaint.ps', 'a4p') call plots(2., 2.) call dfcols(0) call dframe(0., 12., 15., 10., 151, 101) call paintm(v, -80., 120., 999.) call newpen(3) call wrect(0., 12., 15., 10.) call dfpcol(1, 255*256*256) call paintr(2., 19., 3., 3.) call dframe(10., 0., 5., 10., 2, 2) call paintw(g, -100., 100., 999., h) call dfpcol(0, 200) call paintp(xm, ym, 9, 1) call newpen(2) call plot(xm(9), ym(9), 3) do 9 i=1,9 call plot(xm(i), ym(i), 2) 9 continue call paintp(pos(1,1), pos(2,1), 4, 2) call dftone(0) call dframe(0., 5., 8., 4., 3, 2) call paintm(q, 0., 2., 99.) call dfpcol(1, 255*256+255) call paintc(2., 7., 0.7) call plote call pscls c stop c end c-----( ptext )----- c parameter (iwhite = -255, igray = -128, iblack = 0, none = -999) c parameter (iblue = 255, iyellow = (255*256 + 255) * 256) call psopn('ptext.ps', 'A4P') call plots(2., 2.) call dfpcol(0, 200) call paintr(0., 0., 15., 9.) call lstyle('HB', 1., 0., iblack, none) call ptext('Helvetica-Bold', 14, 1., 7., 0) call lstyle('ti', 1., 30., iwhite, iblack) call ptext('Times-Italic', 12, 12., 7., 2) call pcstr(15., 6., 1., 'Courier', 30., -7) call lstyle('Kbi', 1., 0., iyellow, igray) call ptext('Testテスト', 10, 6., 4., 1) call ptext('Testテスト', 10, 6., 4., 2) call lstyle('M', 1., 180., iblue, iwhite) call ptext('Testテスト', 10, 6., 2., 0) call lstyle('S', 1.5, 0., iblack, iyellow) call ptext('W=abc', 5, 9.5, 1., 0) call plote call pscls c stop c end c-----( ptext2 )----- call psopn('ptext2.ps', 'A4P') call plots(2., 2.) do 20 i=32,127,16 y = 14. - float(i/8) do 20 j=0,15 if ((i+j).eq.32.or.(i+j).eq.127) goto 20 x = float(j)*0.8 call lstyle('C', 0.4, 0., 0, none) call ptext(char(i+j), 1, x, y+1., 0) call lstyle('S', 0.8, 0., 0, none) call ptext(char(i+j), 1, x, y, 0) 20 continue call plote call pscls c stop c end c-----( pmark )----- c character mark*2 call psopn('pmark.ps', 'a4p') call plots(2., 2.) call dfpcol(1, -200) call paintr(0., 0., 15.5, 4.8) do 1 i=0,9 x = float(i)*1.5 + 1. write(mark,'(i2)') i call pcstr(x-0.5, 4.2, 0.3, mark, 0., 2) call pmark(i, x, 3.4, 1., 0.1, -255) call pmark(i, x, 2.1, 1., 0.03, 0) call pmark(i, x, 0.8, 1., 0. , -128) 1 continue call plote call pscls c stop c end c-----( cont )----- c dimension f(151,101) do 100 i=1,151 x = float(i-76) a = float(i-86) do 100 j=1,101 y = float(j-51) b = float(j-31) r = sqrt(x*x + y*y) s = sqrt(a*a + b*b) f(i,j) = r*3. - s*2. + 17. if(r.gt.50.) f(i,j) = 999. 100 continue call psopn('cont.ps', 'a4p') call plots(0., 0.) call wrect(2., 2., 15., 10.) call conts(2., 2., 15., 10., 151, 101, 0.12) call contx(f, 999., 1, 5,-100, -11, 0) call contx(f, 999., 1, 5, -10, 0, 10) call contx(f, 999., 1, 5, 1, 25, 11) call contx(f, 999., 1, 5, 26, 50, 14) call contx(f, 999., 1, 5, 51, 75, 2) call contx(f, 999., 1, 5, 76, 100, 12) call contx(f, 999., 1, 5, 101, 200, 3) call plot( 4., 15., -3) call plot( 7.,-2.5, 2) call plot(11., 0.5, 2) call plot( 4., 3. , 2) call plot( 0., 0. , 2) call dfcols(0) call dframo(0., 0., 7., -2.5, 4., 3., 151, 101) call contso(0., 0., 7., -2.5, 4., 3., 151, 101) call paintm(f, 0., 100., 999.) call contx(f, 999., 5, 4, -50, 150, 0) call plote call pscls c stop c end c-----( wshore )----- c external cviken call cvinit(100, 35.*60., 135.*60., 0., 0.) call psopn("wshore.ps","A4P") call plots(2., 2.) call plot(8., 7., -3) call wshore(0., 0., 12, 250., cviken) do 50 i=20,50,5 call cviken(float(i*60), 7200., xe, yn) call plot(xe/250., yn/250., 3) do 50 k=121,155 call cviken(float(i*60), float(k*60), xe, yn) call plot(xe/250., yn/250., 2) 50 continue do 60 k=120,155,5 call cviken(1200., float(k*60), xe, yn) call plot(xe/250., yn/250., 3) do 60 i=21,50 call cviken(float(i*60), float(k*60), xe, yn) call plot(xe/250., yn/250., 2) 60 continue call plot(0., 16., -3) call wrect(-8., -8., 16., 10.) call scisor(-8., -8., 16., 10.) call cvinit(253, 0., 0., 0., 0.) call cviken(float(35*60), float(135*60), xo, yo) call rshore(1, 34, 36, 133, 136) call pshore(-xo/12., -yo/12., 212, 12., cviken) call plot(-8., 0., 3) do 70 k=-90,90 call cviken(float(35*60), float(135*60+k), xe, yn) call plot((xe-xo)/12., (yn-yo)/12., 2) 70 continue do 80 k=134,136 call plot(0., -8., 3) do 80 i=-60,30 call cviken(float(35*60+i), float(k*60), xe, yn) call plot((xe-xo)/12., (yn-yo)/12., 2) 80 continue call plote call pscls c stop c end c-----( axis )----- c dimension p(2,12) do 10 i=1,10 p(1,i) = float(i-1) p(2,i) = sqrt(p(1,i)) 10 continue call scale(p(1,1), 10., 10, 2) call scale(p(2,1), 10., 10, 2) call psopn('axis.ps', 'a4p') call plots(3., 3.) call axis(0., 0., 'Axis-X', -6, 10., 0., p(1,11), p(1,12)) call axis(0., 0., 'Y=sqrt(X)', 9, 10., 90., p(2,11), p(2,12)) call line(p(1,1), p(2,1), 10, 2, 1, 4) call plote call pscls c stop c end c-----( csymbl )----- call psopn('csymbl.ps', 'a4p') call plots(2., 2.) call wrect(0., 0., 15.5, 8.5) call newpen(2) do 2 i=0,30,10 y = float(i*2 + 15) / 10. do 2 j=0,9 x = float(j*15 + 10) / 10. write(mark,'(i2)') i+j call pcstr(x-0.24, y-0.9, 0.24, mark, 0., 2) call csymbl(x, y, 0.8, i+j, 0., 1) 2 continue call plote call pscls c stop c end c-----( gsymbl )----- c parameter (c30=0.866, c20=0.940, c10=0.985, s30=0.5, s10=0.174) call psopn('gsymbl.ps', 'a4p') call plots(3., 2.5) call newpen(2) call gsymbl(0., 18., 0.7, 16h !"#$%&'()*+,-./, 0., 16) call gsymbl(0., 16.5, 0.7, 16h0123456789:;<=>?, 0., 16) call gsymbl(0., 15., 0.7, 16h@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO, 0., 16) call gsymbl(0., 13.5, 0.7, 16hPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_, 0., 16) call gsymbl(0., 12., 0.7, 16h`abcdefghijklmno, 0., 16) call gsymbl(0., 10.5, 0.7, 15hpqrstuvwxyz{|}~ , 0., 15) call pshift('_^') call gsymbl(0., 7.5, 0.42, 'R_E_ (pi)*R^2^ e^x^', 0., 21) call chtype(30., 20., 1.4, 1.) call pchar('Fe_2_O_3_', 9, 7., 6., 1) call newpen(1) call plot(0., 0., 3) call plot(6., 0., 2) call plot(5.8,-0.1, 3) call plot(6., 0., 2) call plot(5.8, 0.1, 2) call gsymbl(6.1, -0.2, 0.42, 'X', 0., 1) call plot(-1.*c30, -1.*s30, 3) call plot(0., 0., 2) call plot(-2.*s30, 2.*c30, 2) call plot(-0.3*c30, -0.3*s30, 3) call plot(-0.3*(c30+s30), 0.3*(c30-s30), 2) call plot(-0.3*s30, 0.3*c30, 2) call gsymbl(0., -0.4, 0.28, 'Start', 0., 5) call plot(2.4*c30+0.2*s30, 2.4*s30-0.2*c30, 3) call plot(2.4*c30+0.4*s30, 2.4*s30-0.4*c30, 2) call plot(2.4*c30+0.3*s30, 2.4*s30-0.3*c30, 3) call plot(3.6*c30+0.3*s30, 3.6*s30-0.3*c30, 2) call plot(3.6*c30+0.2*s30, 3.6*s30-0.2*c30, 3) call plot(3.6*c30+0.4*s30, 3.6*s30-0.4*c30, 2) call gsymbl(2.8, 0.8, 0.28, 'd=h*r*6./7.', 0., 11) call plot(5.9*c30-1.4*s30, 5.9*s30+1.4*c30, 3) call plot(6.1*c30-1.4*s30, 6.1*s30+1.4*c30, 2) call plot(6.0*c30-1.4*s30, 6.0*s30+1.4*c30, 3) call plot(6.0*c30, 6.0*s30, 2) call plot(5.9*c30, 5.9*s30, 3) call plot(6.1*c30, 6.1*s30, 2) call gsymbl(5.0, 3.5, 0.28, 'h', 0., 1) x = 0.2 / c20 do 3 i=0,7 y = x * float(i) call plot(-y*s10, y*c10, 3) call plot(4.8*c30-y*s10, 4.8*s30+y*c10, 2) 3 continue do 4 i=0,24 x = 0.2 * float(i) call plot(x*c30, x*s30, 3) call plot(x*c30-y*s10, x*s30+y*c10, 2) 4 continue call wcirc(4.8*c30, 4.8*s30, 0.08, 0., 360.) call gsymbl(4.3, 2.1, 0.28, 'End', 0., 3) call gsymbl(1.35, 0.2, 0.28, 'a', 0., 1) call gsymbl(-0.6, 1.2, 0.28, 's', 0., 1) call newpen(2) call wcirc(0., 0., 1.3, 0., 30.) call wcirc(0., 0., 1.2, 100., 120.) call wcirc(0., 0., 0.08, 0., 360.) call newpen(3) call chtype(30., 20., 1.4, 1.) call pchar('ABCD', 4, 0., 0., 1) call plote call pscls c stop c end c----- stop end