Geology of Mouka-Makabe-Tsuchiura area


Symbols in brackets are used in gMakabeh by Miyazaki et al. (1996).




a(a): Alluvium, Valley bottom deposits, Gravel, sand and mud

al(al): Alluvium, Natural levee deposits; Sand


Late Pleistocene to Holocene

ps(sl, sh): Piedmont slope and fan deposits; Boulder and sand


Late Pleistocene

tl: Lower terrace deposits; Gravel, sand and mud

tm2(Jo/tm3): Middle terrace deposits, Joso Formation; Sand, gravel and mud

tm1(tm2, Mi/Ki): Middle terrace deposits, Miwa Formation; Sand, mud and gravel (mainly marine)


Middle Pleistocene

th(th): Higher terrace deposits; Gravel, sand and mud

Sh: Kamiiwahashi Formation; Sand and mud (mainly marine)

Tb(To): Tomobe Formation; Sand, mud and gravel (mainly marine)

Sk: Sakaibayashi Formation; Gravel, sand and mud



Early Miocene

Mt: Motegi Formation; Dacite pyroclastic flow deposits and andesite lava

An(An): Andesite and dacite dike and lava; Andesite and dacite


Late Cretaceous to Early Paleogene

Kg4(Ka4): Kabasan Granite (4); Very fine-grained biotite granodiorite

Kg3(Ka3): Kabasan Granite (3); Leucocratic fine-grained garnet-bearing muscovite biotite granite

Kg2(Ka2): Kabasan Granite (2); Fine-grained muscovite bearing biotite granite

Kg1(Ka1): Kabasan Granite (1); Medium-grained biotite granite and porphyritic (muscovite-bearing) biotite granite

In4: Inada Granite (4); Fine-grained biotite-bearing hornblende diorite

In3(In3): Inada Granite (3); Fine-grained muscovite biotite granodiorite

In2(In2): Inada Granite (2); Medium-grained hornblende-biotite granodiorite

In1(In1): Inada Granite (1); Coarse-grained hornblende bearing biotite granodiorite to granite

Ts6(Ts6): Tsukuba Granite (6); Orbicular rock (dike)

Ts5(Ts5): Tsukuba Granite (5); Fine-grained granites

Ts4(Ts4): Tsukuba Granite (4); Medium-grained muscovite-biotite granite

Ts3(Ts3): Tsukuba Granite (3); Porphyritic biotite granodiorite and coarse-grained biotite granodiorite to granite

Ts2(Ts2): Tsukuba Granite (2); Foliated biotite tonalite

Ts1(Ts1): Tsukuba Granite (1); Fine- to medium-grained biotite-hornblende diorite to tonalite

B: Tsukuba and Wagakunisan Metamorphic Rocks; Biotite zone

Cd: Tsukuba and Wagakunisan Metamorphic Rocks; Cordierite zone

S: Tsukuba and Wagakunisan Metamorphic Rocks; Sillimanite zone

Gb(Gb): Gabbroic rocks; Olivine gabbro, hornblende gabbro, anorthosite, cortlanditeand spessartite



Accretionary complex.  Yamizo Group (Ayuta Unit, Takatori Unit and Kunimiyama Unit) and protoliths of Tsukuba and Wagakunisan Metamorphic Rocks)

Js(ms): Sandstone with mudstone

Jsm(mm): Interbeded sandstone and mudstone, mudstone, siliceous mudstone and mixed rocks

Jm: Massive mudstone

Jc(mc): Chert

Jl(ml): Limestone